Hallo! Wilkommen!
I hope you find this blog useful. I would like it to help Year 10 & 11 pupils find useful resources for revision, share ideas and above all, practise their German! On this blog I have included links to external websites that I hope you might find useful. However, I am not responsible for the content on other sites. If you find that something inappropriate is featured on another site I have linked to, please let me know.

Before you start to use the blog please take a moment to read the guidelines below.

Remember only use your first name and German class when adding comments etc.

DO NOT post e-mail addresses or other personal information.

When you add a comment it will not appear automatically. It will be moderated first. Please comment respectfully.
Frau Wilson


Click on the link below to donate grains of rice through the UN World Food Program to help end hunger. The website has the added bonus of allowing you to practise your German vocabulary.

Free Rice


Wo würdest du gern wohnen?

Get a Voki now!


Goethe-Institut Spiele

Hier gibt es Quiz und Spiele zu entdecken.

Viel Spaß!

Teste dein Grammatikwissen!

Click on the link below to test your knowledge of different types of German words...

Grammatikwissen- Spaß mit Wörtern


If you follow this link:


You can download free monthly podcasts from the Goethe-Institut. Music covered includes Rock, Pop, Hip Hop and Electro.

Radio für Kinder- Lilipuz

Hier kann man im Internet Radio hören. Kinder haben die Nachrichten selbst geschrieben.

Lilipuz- Radio für Kinder

Viel Spaß!